Our company's patented product-automatic light sheet surface treatment machine for coal rock (double disc)
11. It can be used on various brands of coal rock equipment to completely solve the industry problem of insufficient experience of laboratory personnel to prepare unqualified light films! User praise!
Model: GP-01
This machine is a special light sheet surface treatment machine for coal rock, with a two-disk desktop structure. Liaoning Tuotai Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. independently researches develops has unique patented technology. Using the PLC control system imported Japan the parameters optimized through a large number of experiments, 6 qualified samples can be prepared in about 2 minutes. During the grinding polishing process, water polishing agent can be sprayed automatically at a fixed time quantitatively, the flow rate can be automatically switched accurately controlled to save the consumption of polishing agent other consumables as much as possible. With the use of Liaoning Tuotai's patented light film blowing machine, it can ensure that the prepared coal rock light film has no stains, no scratches, the upper lower sides are completely parallel. The effect is close to the perfect level. Inexperienced personnel can use it easily reach the full Automatically detect the polishing requirements for the surface of the light sheet.
Technical advantages:
1. Fast speed: 6 qualified samples can be prepared in about 2 minutes (including all pre-grinding polishing steps);
2. Save polishing agent other consumables: about 3ml/sample;
3. Inexperienced personnel can operate;
4. The PLC control system imported Japan has reliable performance good quality;
5. Seven working modes can be switched freely: pre-grinding (coal), pre-grinding (coking), polishing (coal), polishing (coking), manual (grinding), manual (polishing), automatic flushing other 7 modes; LCD Touch screen control display;
Fast speed, can grind 6 samples at a time! Automatic precise control, saving every drop of polishing agent! Particularly suitable for more samples! Inexperienced people can get started directly! For details, please refer to the "video display" on the homepage of the website. The girl in the video is a clerk, who has never polished a sample, can easily produce qualified samples.
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