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Coke reactivity

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Liaoning Tuotai Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Manager Zhao

Mobile phone: +86-15642202798

Fax: 0412-5291088

E-mail: Lnttznkj@163.com

Company Address: No. 261, Yueling Road, Lishan District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province

Official website: en.lnttznkj.com

Job title Academic requirements Number of recruits View details


Contact: Manager Zhao Loaded Coke 

Oven Loaded Coke Oven Loaded Coke 

Oven Loaded Coke Oven Loaded Coke 

Oven Loaded Coke Oven

Hand machine: 15642202798 

Coke thermal strength Coke 

thermal strength Coke thermal strength

Fax: 0412-5291088
